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This program is freeware and it is possible to redistribute it. Pack can be redistributed only in complete packaging and in complete state, as supplied by author and it`s content can`t be changed. Also there is not allowed to ask money for it (in whatever form). Violating this rules will be prosecuted by international laws.
If you want me to send any suggestions or tips for making program better, you can do this by sending mail to address below or to address contained in äAboutö window of program or you can write to our forum. I try to answer all of your questions and I take a think about your comments. Also, if you want to translate program to other language, drop me an e-mail and let me know about it.
I would like to thanks all people, who use this program and also to people, who wrote me suggestions which helps me to make program better!
Thanks again and I hope, that you will return to me in future!